School | Last Name | First Name | Role | Phone |
Barre City Elem & Middle | Poitras | Dawn | SAP | 802-476-4651 |
Barre Town Elem. & Middle | LaPerle | P.J. | SAP | 802-476-6617 |
Bethel Middle School 6-8 | Dohn | Benjamin | SAP | 802-234-6607 |
BFA-Fairfax | McElroy | Katharine | Director of School Counseling | 802-849-6711 |
BFA-St. Albans | Czlarka | Ashley | SAP | 802-527-0565 |
Brattleboro M.S. | Petrie | Lauren | SAP | 802-476-4811 ext 1203 – voice mail 1205 (SHS) |
Brattleboro UHS | Davidson | Ricky | SAP | 802-451-3452 |
Burlington H.S. | Washburn | Heather | SAP | 802-864-8411 |
Canaan School | Dickson | Joanne | SAP | 802-266-8910 |
Champlain Valley Union | Meunier | Matt | SAP | 802 451-3452 |
Charlotte Central School Concord Graded School | Sayre Desmarais | Amy Valerie | SAP SAP | 802-425-2771 802-695-2550 |
Edmunds M.S. | Halsted | Angela | SAP | 802-864-2487 |
Enosburg Falls H.S. | Weed | Michelle | SAP | 802-933-7777 x1014 |
Enosburg M/H. School | Deuso | Teegan | SAP | 802-933-7778 |
Essex H.S. | McDaid | Declan | SAP | 802-857-7465 |
Fair Haven Graded School | Kennedy | Stephanie | SAP | 802-265-3883 |
Fair Haven High School | Hubbard | Tara | SAP | 802-265-4966 |
Fred Tuttle M.S. (So. Burlington) | Burgess | Kim | SAP | 802-652-7100 |
Green Mountain Union School | Slobodnjak | Cortney | SAP | 802-875-2146 x 276 |
Hartford H.S. | Potter | Janet | SAP | 802-295-8610 |
Hinesburg Elementary | Sayre | Amy | SAP | 802-482-2106 |
Hunt M.S. | Stokes | Marissa | SAP | 802-864-8470 |
Lyndon Institute | Warner-Somers | Bobbi | SAP/Wellness | 802-535-3636 |
Leland & Gray H.S. | Vacant | SAP | 802-365-7355 | |
Lunenburg | Desmarais | Valerie | SAP | 802-274-1553 |
Middlebury U.M/HS | Jette | Brooke | SAP | 802-382-1726 |
Milton H.S. | Lombardo | Zoe | SAP | 802-893-5400 |
Missisquoi Valley Union H.S. | Quinlan | Devin | Behavioral Wellness Coach | 802-868-7311 |
Mt. Anthony M.S. | Fabian | Jessica | SAP | 802-447-7541 |
Mt. Mansfield HS. | Mabley | Sarah | SAP | 802-899-4690 |
North Country Union Jr/ H.S. | Gelo | Pat | SAP | 802-766-2276 x5158 |
Otter Valley Union | Wallet | Katie | SAP | 802-247-6833 x205 |
Peoples Academy | Donnally | Mariana | SAP | 802-888-4600 |
Randolph U. H.S. | Fullam | Laurina | SAP | 802-728-3397 |
Richford H.S. | Juaire | Kaydeen | SAP | 802.848-7416 |
Sharon Elementary School | Lawrence | Mary | SAP | 802-763-7425 |
Shelburne Community School | Pandolfo | Gina | SAP | 802-985-3331 |
South Burlington H.S. | Smith | Gar | Prevention Coordinator | 802-652-7000 |
South Royalton H.S. | Scott | Michelle | SAP | 802-763-7740 |
Spaulding H.S.& Barre Town | LaPerle | P.J. | SAP | 802- 476-6617 |
Spaulding High School & Barre City | Poitras | Dawn | SAP | 802-476-4651 |
Springfield High School | Adams | Christy | SAP | 802-885-7900 |
Stowe H.S. | Vacant | SAP | 802-253-7229 | |
Thetford Academy | Toms | Kara | SAP | 802-785-4805 |
Twin Valley H.S. | Vacant | SAP | 802-451-6850 | |
U-32 M/H.S | Jennifer | Pelletier | SAP | 802-229-0321 |
Waterford Elementary | Desmarais | Valerie | SAP | 802-748-9393 |
Williston Central | Camara | Lynn | SAP | 802-871-6162 |
Windsor High School | Miller | Kristin | SAP | 802-674-6344 |
Windsor Middle School | Mullane | Meghan | SAP | 802-674-6344 |
Winooski H.S. | McDaid | Declan | SAP | 802-857-7465 |
Woodstock H.S. | Luke | Annie | SAP | 802-457-1317 |
New Hampshire SAP’s | ||||
Claremont Middle School | Mackenzie | Dion | SAP | 603-543-4220 |
Stevens High School | Pais | Sandra | SAP | 603-543-4220 |
Supervisory Districts, Schools & SAP’s | SAP Counselor /status | |
Addison Central S.D. (03) 49 Charles Avenue Middlebury, VT 05733 802-382-1274 Bingham Memorial, Bridport Central, Mary Hogan, Middlebury UHS, Middlebury UMS, Ripton Elem, Salisbury Community, Shoreham Elem., Weybridge Elem. | Brooke Jette, Middlebury M. & H.S. | |
Addison Northwest S.D. (02) 11 Main Street, Suite B 100 Vergennes, VT 05491 802-877-3332 Ferrisburgh Central, Vergennes Elem., Vergennes H.S., Vergennes M.S. | Vacant | |
Barre Unified Union SD (61) 120 Ayres St. Barre, VT 05641 802-476-5011 Barre City, Barre Town M.& Elem, Spaulding HS, Spaulding Educational Alternative | Dawn Poitras, LADC, CPS & PJ Laperle, SAC | |
Bennington-Rutland SU (06) 6378 VT Rte 7A, Sunderland, VT 05250 802-362-2452 Mettawee Community, Currier Memorial, Dorset, Flood Brook, Manchester Elem, Sunderland Elem. | ||
Burlington School District (15) 150 Colchester Ave. Burlington, VT 05401 802-865-5332 Burlington HS, C.P. Smith Elem, Champlain Elem, Edmunds Elem, Edmunds M.S, Ess Early Ed Center, Hunt M.S., Integrated Arts Academy, JJ Flynn Elem, ONTOP/ Horizon School, Sustainability Academy | Heather Washburn Angela Halsted & Marissa Stokes | |
Caledonia Central SU (09) 10 Rte 2 West, PO Box 216 Danville, VT 05828 802-684-3801 Cabot School District, Barnet Elem, Walden School, Waterford Elem, Danville School, Peacham School, Twinfield USD | Vacant | |
Central Vermont SU (68) 111B Brush Hill Road Williamstown, VT 05679 802-433-5818 Orange Center, Washington Village, Northfield Elem, Northfield M/H, Williamstown Elem, Williamstown M/H. | Vacant | |
Champlain Valley S.D. (14) 5420 Shelburne Road, Suite 300 Shelburne, VT 05482 802-383-1234 | Matt Meunier, Amy Sayre, Gina Pandolfo, Lynn Camara | |
Colchester SD (07) 59 Raasayre@cvsdvt.orgthe Road, PO Box 27 Colchester, VT 05446 802-264-5999 Colchester H.S., Colchester M.S., Malletts Bay, Porters Point, Union Memorial | Vacant | |
Essex North SU (19) 5 Park St., PO Box 100 Canaan, VT 05903 802-266-3330 Canaan Schools | Joanne Dickson | |
Essex Westford Educational Community Unified Union SD (65) 76 Pearl Street, Suite 201 Essex Jct, VT 05452 802-878-8168 Albert D. Lawton, Essex Elem, Essex H.S. Essex M.S., Founders Memorial, Hiawatha Elem., Summit St., Thomas Fleming, Westford | Declan McDaid | dmcdaid@ewsd.or |
Franklin Northeast SU (20) 366 Main Street, PO Box 489 Enosburg Falls, VT 05450 802-848-7661 Enosburg Elem, Enosburg M/H, Richford Elem, Richford Jr/Sr. H. Northern Mountain Valley Unified Union S.D., Bakersfield Elem, Berkshire Elem., Montgomery Elem, Sheldon Elem. | Michelle Weed, Teegan Deuso, Kaydeen Juaire |,, |
Franklin West SU (22) 4497 Highbridge Road Fairfax, VT 05454 802-370-3113 Bellows Free Academy, Fletcher Elem, Georgia Elem | Vacant | |
Grand Isle SU (24) 224 US Rte 2, PO Box 54 Grand Isle, VT 05458 | Vacant | |
Greater Rutland County SU (66) 100 Westway Mall Drive, Unit 2 West Rutland, VT 05777 802-775-4342 Poultney Elem, Poultney HS, Proctor Elem, Proctor Jr/Sr H, West Rutland School Rutland Town District: Rutland Town, Wells Spring Unified Union S.D.: Middletown Springs Elem, Wells Village | Vacant | |
Hartford SD (54) 73 Highland Ave, White River Jct, VT 05001 802-295-8600 Dothan Brook School, Hartford H.S, Hartford Memorial M.S., Ottauquechee School, White River School, The Wilder School | Janet Potter | |
Harwood Unified Union S.D. (42) 340 Mad River Park, Suite 7 Waitsfield, VT 05673 802-496-2272 Brookside Primary, Crossett Brook MS, Fayston Elem, Harwood M/H, Moretown Elem, Waitsfield Elem, Warren Elem. | Vacant | |
Kingdom East SD (67) Hilton Dormitory, 64 Campus Lane, PO Box 129 Lyndon Ctr, VT 05850 802-626-6100 www. Burke School, Concord Graded School, Luneburg, Lyndon Town, Miller’s Run, Newark Street, Sutton Village | Valerie -Desmarais | |
Lamoille North S.U. (25) 96 Cricket Hill Road Hyde Park, VT 05655 802-888-3142 Belvidere Central, Eden Central, Hyde Park Elem, Johnson Elem, Lamoille U. MS, Lamoille U HS, Waterville Elem. | Megan Little Emily Braggins | |
Lamoille South Supervisory Union (26) 46 Copley Avenue Morrisville, VT 05661 802-8888-4541 Elmore, Morristown Elem, Peoples Academy, Peoples Academy M., Stowe School District: Stowe Elem., Stowe High, Stowe M.S. | Vacant | |
Lincoln School District (70) 795 East River Road Lincoln, VT 05443 802-453-2119 Lincoln Community School | Vacant | |
Maple Run Unified SD (23) 28 Catherine Street St. Albans, VT 05478 802-524-2600 Bellows Free Academy, Fairfield Center, St. Albans Elem, St. Albans Town Ed.Center | Vacant | |
Mill River Unified Union SD (33) 2321 Middle Road, Suite 1 North Clarendon, VT 05759 802-786-3998 Clarendon Elem, Mill River UHS, Shrewsbury Mountain, Tinmouth Elem, Wallingford Elem. | Vacant | |
Milton Town S.D. (10) 12 Bradley Street Milton, VT 05468 802-893-5400 Milton Elem, Milton MS, Milton H.S. | Zoe Lombardo | |
Missisquoi Valley SD (21) 100 Robin Hood Drive, Suite 2 Swanton, VT 05488 802-868-4967 Franklin Elem, Highgate Elem, Missisquoi Valley M/H, Swanton Elem. | Devin Quinlan | |
Montpelier Roxbury SD (69) 5 High School Drive, Unit 1 Montpelier, VT 05602 802-223-9796 Main Street Middle School, Montpelier HS, Union Elementary | Vacant | |
Mount Abraham Unified SD (01) 72 Munsill Avenue, Suite 601 Bristol, VT 05443 802-453-3657 Beeman Elem, Bristol Elem, Monkton Central, Mt. Abraham UMHS, Robinson Elem. | Vacant | |
Mount Mansfield Unified Union SD (12) 10 River Road Jericho, VT 05465 802-434-2128 Brewster Pierce Elem, Browns River M.S, Camels Hump MS, Jericho Elem, Mount Mansfield UHS, Richmond Elementary, Smilie Memorial Elem, Underhill Central, Underhill I.D. Preschool, | Sarah Mabley | |
Mountain Views SU (51) 70 Amsden Way Woodstock, VT 05091 802-457-1213 Barnard Academy, Killington Elem, Prosper Valley, Reading Elem, Woodstock Elem, Woodstock U. M/H. | Annie Luke | |
North Country SU (31) 121 Duchess Ave, Suite A Newport, VT 05855 802-334-5847 Brighton Elem, Charleston Elem, Coventry Village, Derby Elem., Jay/Westfield Joint Schools, Lowell Graded, Newport City Elem, Newport Town, North Country Union Jr, North Country Union HS, Troy School | Pat Gelo | |
Orange East SU (27) 64 Main Street, PO Box 396 Bradford, VT 05033 802-222-5216 www. Blue Mountain Union, Bradford Elem, Newbury Elem, Oxbow U.H.S, Thetford Elem, Thetford Academy, Waits River Valley USD #36 | Kara Toms | |
Orange Southwest Unified Union SD (28) 24 Central Street, Randolph, VT 05060 802-728-5052 www. Braintree, Brookfield Elem, Randolph Elem, Randolph Union HS | Laurina Fullam | |
Orleans Central SU (34) 130 Kinsey Road, Barton, VT 05822 802-525-1204 Albany Community, Barton Graded, Brownington Central, Glover Community, Irasburg Village, Orleans Elem, Lake Region UHS, Orleans Central | Vacant | |
Orleans Southwest SU (35) 157 Daniels Road, PO Box 338 Hardwick, VT 05843 802-472-6531 Craftsbury Academy, Craftsbury Elem, Hazen U. H.S., Hardwick Elem, Lakeview Elem, Woodbury Elem, Wolcott Elem. | Vacant | |
Rivendell Interstate SD (64) 10 School Drive, PO Box 271 Orford, NH 03777 603-353-2189 Rivendell Academy, Samuel Morey Elem, Westshire Elem. | Vacant | |
Rutland City SD (40) 6 Church Street, Rutland, VT 05701 802-773-1900 Allen Street Campus, Northeast Primary, Northwest Elem, Rutland Intermediate, Rutland M.S., Rutland HS | Vacant | |
Rutland Northeast SU (36) 49 Court Drive, Brandon, VT 05733 802-247-5757 Barstow Elem, Lathrop School, Neshobe School, Otter Creek Academy, OCA at Whiting, Otter Valley Unified Union MS/HS | Katie Wallet | |
Slate Valley Unified Union SD (04) 33 Mechanic Street Fair Haven, VT 05743 802-265-4905 Benson Village, Castleton Elem, Fair Haven Graded School, Fair Haven U M/H, Orwell Village | Stephanie Kennedy Christa Little | |
South Burlington SD (16) 577 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 802-652-7250 Frederick Tuttle, Gertrude Chamberlin, Orchard School, Rick Marcotte, South Burlington HS | Kim Burgess Gar Smith | |
Southwest Vermont SU (05) 184 North Street, Suite 1 Bennington, VT 05201 802-447-7501 Arlington Memorial HS, Fisher Elem, Mt. Anthony M.S., Mt. Anthony UHSD #14, Bennington Elem, Molly Stark Elem, Monument Elem, Pownal Elem, Shaftsbury Elem, Woodford Hollow | Jessica Fabian | |
Springfield SD (56) 301 South Street Springfield, VT 05156 802-885-5141 Pre-K Program HDEC, Elm Hill, Union Street, Riverside M.S., Springfield HS, Occupational Development Program | Christy Adams, MFT, SAP | |
St. Johnsbury SD (11) 1216 Railroad Street, Suite C St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 802-745-2789 St. Johnsbury School | Vacant | |
Two Rivers SU (63) 609 VT Route 103 Ludlow, VT 05149 802-875-3365 Cavendish Town Elem, Chester-Andover USD #29, Green Mountain UHSD #35, Ludlow Elem, Mount Holly Elem. | Cortney Slobodnjak | |
Washington Central Unified Union SD (32) 1130 Gallison Hill Road Montpelier, VT 05602 802-229-0553 Berlin Elem, Calais Elem, Doty Memorial, East Montpelier Elem, Rumney Memorial, U-32 M/H. | Jennifer Pelletier | |
White River Valley SU (30) 461 Waterman Road Royalton, VT 05068 802-763-8840 Chelsea Public School, Tunbridge Central, Rochester, Stockbridge Central, Sharon Elem, Newton School, Bethel Elem, South Royalton Elem, White River Valley MS, White River Valley HS, White River Unified District | Mary Lawrence Benjamin Dohn Michelle Scott | |
Windham Central SU (46) 1219 VT Rte 30 Townshend, VT 05353 802-365-9510 Marlboro Elem, Dover Elem, Wardsboro Elem, Jamaica Village School, Leland & Gray UMHSD, NewBrook Elem, Townshend Elem. | Vacant | |
Windham Northeast SU (47) PO Box 92, 5111 US-5 Westminster Station, VT 05159 802-463-9958 Bellows Falls MS, Central Elem, Saxtons River Elem, Athens/Grafton Elem, Westminster Center | Vacant | |
Windham Southeast SU (48) 53 Green Street Brattleboro, VT 05301 802-254-3730 Vernon Elem, Academy School, Brattleboro Area M, Brattleboro UHSD #6, Dummerston School, Green Street School, Guilford Central School, Oak Grove School, Putney Central School | Ricky Davidson Lauren Petrie | |
Windham Southwest SU (49) 1 School Street Wilmington, VT 05363 802-464-1300 Halifax School, Readsboro Elem, Stamford Elem, Twin Valley Elem, Twin Valley Middle/High School | To be Hired | |
Windsor Southeast SU (52) 105 Main Street, Suite 200 Windsor, VT 05089 802-674-2144 Hartland Elem, Albert Bridge School, Windsor School, Weathersfield School | Kristin Miller Meghan Mullane | |
Winooski SD (17) 60 Normand Street Winooski, VT 05404 802-655-0485 John F. Kennedy School, Winooski MS, Winooski HS | Declan McDaid | |